As a Swift developer, most of the development works in a Swift All In One (SAIO) environment. This environment simulates a mulinode swift cluster on one box. All the SAIO documentation points to using tempauth for authentication. Why? Because most the time authentication isn’t the things we are working on.…
As an OpenStack Swift dev I obviously write a lot of Python. Further Swift is cluster and so it has a bunch of moving pieces. So debugging is very important. Most the time I use pudb and then jump into the PyCharms debugger if get really stuck. Pudb is curses based…
I use IRC in my day to day job. I am a professional open source developer, so what else would I use. For the last few years I have been using quassel, the core component sitting on a cloudserver, which allows me to have clients running on my phone, laptop,…
The latest POC is at the benchmarking stage, and in the most part it’s going well. I have set up 2 clusters in the cloud, not huge, but 2 proxies and 4 storage nodes each. A benchmarking run involves pointing an ssbench master at each cluster and putting each cluster…
Those of you might not know, but for some years I worked at the National Archives of Australia working on, at the time, their leading digital preservation platform. It was awesome, opensource, and they paid me to hack on it. The most important parts of the platform was Xena and…
Hey world it’s been a while, turns out I’m not much of a blogger. But I know how useful for myself it is to do write-ups occasionally so I can actually find them later.. having said that. In my last post I mentioned I was an OpenStack Developer.. and it’s…
If you are using a 3rd party application / package installer to install a service onto a system that using chkconfig to manage your run-levels, or writing your own which are incompatible with chkconfig. That is to say when trying to add them you get the following error: # chkconfig…
In case anyone out there in internet land happen to have a BIND DNS server still running RHEL 4 or Centos 4 and require a version that has been back ported from the Centos 6.2 source, one that has the CVE-2012-1667 fix. Then you can download the RPMs I build…
Squid is one of the biggest and most used proxies on the interwebs. And generating reports from the access logs is already a done deal, there are many commercial and OSS apps that support the squid log format. But I found my self in a situation where I wanted stats…
Was just looking into a software RAID howto.. for no reason really, but kinda glad I did! When you set up software raid you want to make sure all disks are partitioned the same, right. so check this out: 3. Create partitions on /dev/sda identical to the partitions on /dev/sdb:…