Keystone Federated Swift – Multi-region cluster, multiple federation, access same account

Welcome to the final post in the series, it has been a long time coming. If required/requested I’m happy to delve into any of these topics deeper, but I’ll attempt to explain the situation, the best approach to take and how I got a POC working, which I am calling…

Swift Container sharding – locked db POC – Benchmarking observations

The latest POC is at the benchmarking stage, and in the most part it’s going well. I have set up 2 clusters in the cloud, not huge, but 2 proxies and 4 storage nodes each. A benchmarking run involves pointing an ssbench master at each cluster and putting each cluster…

Adventures in Container Sharding – SQLite performance problem and the pivot point.

Hey world it’s been a while, turns out I’m not much of a blogger. But I know how useful for myself it is to do write-ups occasionally so I can actually find them later.. having said that. In my last post I mentioned I was an OpenStack Developer.. and it’s…