Was just looking into a software RAID howto.. for no reason really, but kinda glad I did! When you set up software raid you want to make sure all disks are partitioned the same, right. so check this out: 3. Create partitions on /dev/sda identical to the partitions on /dev/sdb:…
Some old windows servers require authentication through the old NTLM protocol, luckily with the help from squid, samba and winbind we can do this under Linux. Some URLs a much of this information was gathered from are: http://wiki.squid-cache.org/ConfigExamples/Authenticate/NtlmCentOS5 http://wiki.squid-cache.org/ConfigExamples/Authenticate/Ntlm HOW TO In order to authenticate through winbind we will be…
Squid – Reverse Proxy In computer networks, a reverse proxy is a type of proxy server that retrieves resources on behalf of a client from one or more servers. These resources are then returned to the client as though it originated from the reverse proxy itself. While a forward proxy…
The maillog The maillog is easy enough to follow, but when you understand what all the delay and delays numbers mean then this may help really understand what is going on! A standard email entry in postfix looks like: Jan 10 10:00:00 testmtr postfix/smtp[20123]: 34A1B160852B: to=, relay=mx1.example.lan[]:25, delay=0.49, delays=0.2/0/0.04/0.25, dsn=2.0.0,…
If you want vim to nicely format an XML file (and a xena file in this example, 2nd line) then add this to your ~/.vimrc file: ” Format *.xml and *.xena files by sending them to xmllint au FileType xml exe “:silent 1,$!xmllint –format –recover – 2>/dev/null” au FileType xena…
Debian 6 was released the other day, with this release they not only released a Linux kernel version but they now support a FreeBSD version as well! So I decided to install it under VirtualBox and check it out… The install process went smoothly until I got to the end…
Bash is an awesome shell and also very configurable. Some of bash’s build-in functions are not binded to keys, some of which REALLY should be! Bash has two very useful functions used for searching your bash history: history-search-backward history-search-forward So the question is how do we bind them. I bound…
Git makes it easy to add remote repositories to push to, best part is you can use ssh. The ‘git remote add’ command takes in a html URL like parameter for even SSH like: ssh://<user>@<host>/<path to git repo>/ NOT the standard ssh scp syntax: ssh://<user>@<host>:<path to repo>/ Which allows you…
Fedora is an awesome Linux distro. Chris just informed me of an awesome feature so I thought I’d blog for everyone else’s benefit and also my own 😉 When installing a kernel module through yum, instead of installing the kmod-<module> package install the akmod-<module> version e.g: sudo yum install kmod-nvidia…